The Conference has a long tradition in Poland. It has been organized periodically as a national symposium on application of nuclear technology in the industry, medicine, agriculture, and environment protection. The series of national meetings started in 1960 and continued till 2005. Since 2008 the Conference has already attained an international status. The last Conference was organized by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw. The main goal of the Conference is to bring together scientists working on nuclear technologies to discuss recent developments and applications. An important role of the Conference is to confront the opinions of scientists and key representatives of national and international regulatory bodies dealing with nuclear technology to plan further research and applications in this field. It is worth to mention that present conrefence will be held in the year of 150 aniversary of the birth of Maria Skłodowska-Currie.
Honorary Patrons
Professor Tadeusz Słomka, Rector
Stanisław Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
Professor Janusz Wolny, Dean
Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH-UST, Kraków, Poland
Mr. Krzysztof Tchórzewski, Minister
Ministry of Energy, Warszawa, Poland
Mr. Jarosław Gowin, Minister
Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Mr. John Masefield, Chairman
International Irradiation Association, Ludlow, United Kingdom
Mr. Andrzej Przybycin, President
National Atomic Energy Agency, Warszawa, Poland
Conference language
Scientific Topics